Download 888 Miniature Studies by Genrikh Kasparian PDF

By Genrikh Kasparian

The e-book provided right here by way of G. Kasparian is without doubt one of the books that need to be drastically preferred. Its technical price will be priceless for all stories fans and particularly for useful chess avid gamers, in practise. no longer as soon as it used to be proved that reports could be tremendous precious for chess avid gamers, simply because they not just de­velop their mind's eye and creativity, yet face them with strange occasions which could seem at the chess board, occasionally probably very unlikely to be solved. in comparison to the 1st model of this excellent paintings, this variation brings addi­tions that develop, not just numerically, yet specifically its caliber. As a trainer, who familiar the 1st version of this paintings, ``555 miniature studies``, i will savor, with out the terror to be unsuitable, that we're facing a posh ma­terial, very valuable for coaches who are looking to placed ``to work`` their scholars, in prepar­ing them for top functionality. For those purposes I give some thought to that this kind of publication should have its position in each coach`s library and, most likely, in any chess lover`s library. in particular i need to take this chance to thank to the son of the good Genrich Kasparian, Mr. Sergei Kasparian who, through his kindness, supplied us his father`s manuscript and with no whose goodwill isn't recognized whilst this publication could see the sunlight. Sergei Kasparian is usually a chess composition lover, that's why, on the finish of this publication, I brought a few of his best reviews.

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If I denied too much, I was doing myself no good. ‘But the interrogation wasn’t the worst of it. The worst was coming back to my void after the questioning, back to the same room with the same table, the same bed, the same washbasin, the same wallpaper. For as soon as I was alone with myself I tried reconstructing what I ought to have said in reply, and what I must say next time to divert any suspicion that some unconsidered remark of mine might have aroused. I thought it all over, I went back over everything, examined my own statements, checked every word of what I had said to the chief interrogator, I recapitulated every question they had asked, every answer I had given, I tried to think what they might have put down in the written record, but I realized I could never work it out, I would never know.

As far as I’m concerned, the more clear-cut a deal is the better. I’d rather pay cash than have a man like Mr Czentovic do me a favour and find myself obliged to thank him in the end. And after all, I’ve lost over two hundred and fifty dollars in an evening at our club before, and without playing a champion. ’ I was amused to see how deeply I had wounded McConnor’s amour propre with my innocent remark about ‘third-rate’ players. But since he was minded to pay for this expensive bit of fun, I had no objection to his misplaced ambition, which would finally get me acquainted with that oddity Czentovic.

Instinctively, we followed the direction of his eyes, and looked at the stranger in suspense. However, before he could think about it, let alone answer, McConnor in his ambitious excitement was triumphantly calling out to him, ‘Of course! But now you must play against him on your own! ’ Here, however, something unforeseen happened. The stranger, who curiously enough was still staring hard at the now empty chessboard, started when he felt that all eyes were turned on him and heard us appealing to him so enthusiastically.

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